Monday, July 13, 2015

Prices Spike for Some Generic Drugs

Prices Spike for Some Generic Drugs

When prices spike

for generic drugs,

they can't blame the hike

on software bugs

or the costs of research

 long ago left in the lurch.

There's an  obvious conclusion,

one that's guaranteed

to be without confusion:

it's due to governmental " inefficiency "

and overwhelming corporate  greed.

And though one may be slightly less furious

at the great costs of so many drugs that are new

we should all be more than a little curious

as to just how  these are priced too.

For what good are  great scientific advances

if they will only be available to the few?


Experts remain divided on how best to rein in costs. Some say the answer is greater regulation of drug prices. Others charge that excessive regulation is driving up costs. A big part of the problem, Schondelmeyer says, is that the health care market is so complex — with deductibles, hidden discounts, copays and rebates — that doctors and patients have little idea what a drug actually costs. "Until people know exactly what they're paying, it's almost impossible to make informed decisions," he says. The recent uproar over generic drug increases at least has the virtue of shining a light on how absurd some drug prices are, which could in turn add pressure for greater transparency.
Meanwhile, people like Carol Ann Riha are just trying to stay healthy and budget for health care. As prices have soared, she has had to begin to take on credit card debt to pay for the medications she needs. "I don't know how American families can budget when they don't know, month to month, how much medications are going to cost."
Many can't. According to recent estimates, more than one quarter of prescriptions aren't filled because people can't afford them. "Effective drugs have been developed and approved, and pharmaceutical companies are putting a price tag on them that puts them out of reach of more and more people," Schondelmeyer says. "That has to change."

  • from

  • Prices Spike for Some Generic Drugs - AARP › Health › Drugs & Supplements
    Jul 4, 2015 - The price spikes for some generics are so steep and unexpected that the Senate Subcommittee on Primary Health and Aging held a hearing ...
  • With Generic Prescription Drug Prices Surging, Families Are ... › Health
    May 28, 2015 - The staggering cost of certain generic drugs has led many patients and... Brad Arthur, the president elect of NCPA, said the price spikes are  ...
  • Generic drug prices: Why their prices are suddenly surging.
    Nov 20, 2014 - What explains the sudden spike in generic drug prices? .... As the real costs of generic drugs undergo some long-needed scrutiny from federal  ...
  • Some generic drugs have had eye-popping price spikes ...
    Fort Worth Star‑Telegram
    Apr 19, 2014 - Some generic drugs have had eye-popping price spikes ... certainmedications have resulted in shortages and higher prices for consumers.
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