Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The Bard's Birthday is Sunday

The Bard's birthday is this Sunday Sunday is William Shakespeare's Birthday, or so says WQXR most sincerely , and they will play music inspired by him all day anyway naming its composers everywhere whoever they may be. Some say Shake's plays were at least partly written by another man for example, Sir Francis Bacon, for how could God give such much genius to just one in His plan and, furthermore, the Bard himself must have been a Ham or at least , as anyone can from his writings tell, he knew that Breed, and probably much too well. William Shakespeare quotes about acting - Wikiquote William Shakespeare quotes about acting ... William Shakespeare, in his many plays, produced a large number of quotes on the subject of acting. So in summary: There's no need to "get Thee to a Nunnery"* this Sunday. Just wear some attire that's summery and lap it up on your lap top--- while sitting comfortably on your bum--mery? HzL, 4/19/17 "Get thee to a nunnery" is a play on words. Although a nunnery is a place for pure women who give themselves body and soles to God, a nunnery also means a whore house. Nunnery has a double meaning. Essentially, Hamlet is telling Ophelia that she is both pure and impure.Mar 4,

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